Saturday, August 15, 2009

New Beginnings

It's been a little over a month since I left Australia. The trip home went fairly well, although people got noticeably ruder once we arrived in San Francisco. It took awhile to get re-adjusted to simple things. Light switches, flushes on toilets, traffic direction. And of course I had jet lag for several days.

It was good to be home, but it quickly got boring. I was happy when I had the chance to go down to Indy for the weekend and then shortly after that we left for our family vacation to Michigan. I really love Conger family vacations. I feel really lucky that we get the opportunity to spend time with our grandparents and cousins on a fairly regular basis.

While on vacation, I got an offer for a part in an Indy Fringe show. The play is rather strange and my part is small, but I jumped at the chance to have something to do. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to move into my house until the 15th, so I've been spending the past couple of days at Jeff's house. My second day in Indy, my new MacBook Pro arrived, which has provided me with hours of entertainment. I LOVE my new computer. Of course I stayed up way too late, playing with imovie and now have a sinus infection. I hope I can get rid of it before school starts.

Tonight I was able to move into my house early. I haven't unpacked much yet, aside from kitchen items. The house is a lot older than I remembered, but it's a good size and the landlord is really nice and helpful. This year I'm living with Katie (again) and two theatre majors, Shivani and Amanda. I think (hope!) that we will all get along well.

My plan is to try and keep this blog updated throughout the year. So be sure to check back periodically. I'd like to update at least once a month and I'll probably write more often when I need to procrastinate :)

My original intent was to post the video I made. . . but for some reason the music is a little off. Once I fix that I'll post it ASAP

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